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Growth Capital with Technology Drivers

01.05.2011 - Inter-mobile completes new round of financinf

01.07.2011 - Danew, a portfolio company, launches into PC Tablets

L'équipe de management (select list)


Amalto Technologies annonce aujourd’hui avoir finalisé une augmentation de capital souscrite par Succès Europe pour soutenir son développement sur son marché de fournisseur de solutions d’e-exchange pour l’industrie pétrolière. Amalto est conseillé par Aelios Finance.

Website : www.amalto.com


NexTFund Capital achieved its fourth investment in September 2004. MobileGlobe is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator dedicated to the optimization of Mobile communications (International and Fixed-to-Mobile).

Website : www.mobile-globe.fr


NexTFund Capital has finalized an investment in NSN Group, a group specialized in the design and distribution of mobile driven products such as Smart Phone, PDAphone, GPS and their accessories. The company develops three brands: QTEK, HTC and DANEW.

Website : www.danew.com


PV-Manage: a cloud-based financial and technical management system for the remote monitoring of energy based assets.


Villa Carlotta: NextFund is in a divestment mode from this senior living assistance group (in a sale process to a publicly held group).

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copright (c) NexTFund Capital 2011/2013